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La Glace Bible Fellowship
Helping people to become mature Disciples of Jesus Christ
Sunday School
Join us at 9:30 in the church basement! Please note that there is no Sunday School offered on long weekends or through the summer months.
Sunday School is offered for ages 2 all the way to adults. This is an important part of our discipleship ministry. Here you can make new friends and be challenged and equipped in your relationship with God.
Youth Ministry
There are weekly events combining activities and discipleship training as well as special ministry trips are planned throughout the year.
For the protection of our children and youth LBF has a Safe Place Policy in effect. This involves background checks and other measures to ensure the safety of our children and workers.
Discipleship Groups
Our discipleship groups meet regularly for discipleship training, Bible study, prayer and encouragement.
La Glace Bible Fellowship puts on outreach events such as our Christmas Friendship Banquet and our Dessert Night. These events provide opportunities to invite your friends and neighbors to experience our hospitality and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Corporate Prayer
Corporate Prayer is encouraged each week as we meet in the pastor's study and as we meet on the first Sunday evening of the month for Praise and Prayer events.
Missions are an important part of our ministry at La Glace Bible Fellowship. We stay in touch with our missionaries and support them through finances and prayer.
Vacation Bible School
Daily Vacation Bible School is offered each summer as a shared ministry with other La Glace churches. We also participate in the ministry of Bear Lake Bible Camp each summer.
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